Study In


Poland offers an affordable, quality education that fits almost every budget range.

Living expenses in Poland are so low that they are comparable to living costs in India.

Being a member of the European Union opens the door for students studying in Poland to move to well-developed European countries for further academic or career pursuits.

Poland has a reputation for being a prosperous and peaceful nation that offers international students a safe environment in which they can focus better on their academics.

Poland's offering of English-taught programs significantly enhances its appeal as a study-abroad destination, making it accessible to a diverse range of international students.


Popular Universities

Vistula University
Warsaw Management University (WSEI Lublin)
University of Warmia and Mazury
Warsaw University of Technology
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Wahid: +91 9288022569

96450 72193

92880 22563

98460 12807

70347 31830

92880 22569

98460 18274

99479 77483

97472 77483

97788 00642

92880 22589

Frequently Asked Questions
When compared to other Western European nations, Poland is renowned for having a comparatively low cost of living. It's affordable for students because there are often less expenses for rent, food, and transportation.
International students are drawn to Kraków, Warsaw, and Wrocław because of their esteemed universities, thriving cultural scenes, and historical landmarks.
Polish universities place a strong emphasis on international collaboration, research possibilities, and hands-on learning. They provide up-to-date amenities and emphasize the growth of practical and critical thinking abilities.
Polish university graduates gain from an internationally recognized European education, which improves their employability. Opportunities exist in a number of industries, including IT, banking, engineering, and healthcare, thanks to Poland's expanding economy.
Academic transcripts, evidence of English or Polish language ability, letters of recommendation, a statement of intent, and occasionally results from standardized tests are typical prerequisites.
A letter of admission from a Polish institution, evidence that there are enough finances to cover living expenses, health insurance, and any other paperwork requested by the Polish consulate or embassy are necessary for international students.
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